Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy Light Painting!


You can set one of these up in a couple of hours:

Our family Christmas Tree - set up time: couple of hours can go with the following, which will take you less than 5 minutes with a little practice:

Light-painted Christmas tree - set up time: 252 seconds

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wire Wool Spinning!!! Part I

Wire Wool!

I've been reading about wire wool spinning for a while now and even bought the necessary materials to give it a try some time ago, but...then the weather took a turn for the worst's just not fun to be at the water in weather like we've been having lately. Finally it let up just for a couple of days and it was time!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Trash The Dress!!!

Floating Girl with Red Umbrella
Due to the seasonal cold I realize that in many places - certainly in Toronto - now is perhaps really not a good time to jump into a wedding dress and head for the beach, makes a good continuation of last week's post and...I've only just recently gotten around to editing these pictures....

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Water Drop Photography

Water Drop

And so in the name of experimentation and learning, I set out to try and get some of my own water drop shots. I learned a lot in the process and realized there is a lot more to it that I would (/will) do next time. this first and your first attempt will be even better!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Speedlights, Radio Triggers and other cool stuff - Now we're talkin....

The astonishingly beautiful and charismatic Cristy
Click image for larger view now know how to balance your exposure triangle and you have a good understanding of aperture, shutter speed control & ISO.'re not done and not a photographer just yet....

Friday, November 5, 2010

Matrix Restrung - Tutorial

Matrix Restrung

For those who have asked for it - here are the basics, which can be applied to a hundred million different situations. Now...let's see if I can get the basic idea out without drawing too much attention to the flaws....

Saturday, October 30, 2010

On your mark, get set....

Last Christmas I woke up to find a Canon T1i DSLR under the tree. I used to develop b/w film eons ago using mom's 35mm, which I loved but...I'd never had a digital outside of my holiday point & click cameras, which...will only take you so far in case you haven't already noticed for yourself....

Since then, I've been reading like crazy, experimenting and taking in everyone else's work I come across. It can be a little daunting sometimes when it comes to things like lighting techniques, post processing and output for print - just try and find any two reliable articles out there that agree the type of sharpening and amount you'll need to create your perfect image! I think you'll find many of them slag the other guy for doing it all totally wrong.